Wednesday, 14 November 2012

NaNoWriMo! V 2.0

So, this time it's been even longer!! I do apologise to all of you who read this regularly (so, Katie and Mum - I'm sorry). NaNoWriMo has, well and truly taken over all of my writing life this past 13 days. But that's not a bad thing (except for my blog, but hey, you knew this would happen - I warned you back in my post 'NaNoWriMo', hereafter referred to as V 1.0), in fact, its an extremely good thing. Not only am I cruising along with the story at a very nice pace, but I am also breaking both the NaNoWriMo recommended target AND my own target (There's was 1667 per day, mine was and still is 2000 per day, which I'm easily reaching each day so far!).

Currently, having just reached todays target, my novel stands at 33, 766 words. That's fully three times as much as I've ever managed to write on a story, and it feels like I'm going to easily reach the 50,000 NaNoWriMo target to become a NaNo 'Winner'. I actually feel like my story is going to be alot longer than 50,000 words, and I am definitely going to keep on trucking once I've reached it in an attempt to finish it and write "The End" on the 30th of November.

I'm finding the process of writing without editing very liberating, and in general the story is seeming extremely fun to write. I'm enjoying how the characters are evolving, and love how random things keep popping up in my writing that I didn't see coming - early on in the novel I had giant ice wasps suddenly appear on my page without warning! I know some loose places that I want the story to go to, and a couple of things that I want to happen, but I'm leaving the processes by which the characters go there/do them completely up to them - hopefully it'll let the story flow more naturally to those points, or to completely new ones that are better than that (as I found with a certain four-tier waterfall that magically arrived in my character's way more recently in my writing).

I have a host of notes and sketches building up; where I started with just six post-it notes (one for each character), now I have a notepad with ideas and random snippets of prose I want to include (or could include), and roughly- sketched maps and diagrams to help my mind organise and describe various things (see below). Back in V 1.0, I never dreamed of how well this would be going...obviously I hoped it would go well, but I didn't want to get my hopes up too much just in case my interest fizzled as per normal after almost 10k of writing it. I didn't, and it hasn't and it doesn't feel like it's going to anytime soon. I honestly think the 2k target is very freeing, not to mention the no- editing rule.

A few people have read what I've written so far, and I'm getting some good responses (they're not allowed to point of mistakes or errors of any kind, for fear of reigniting my drive for self-editing)., and at least one super-enthusiastic response, which is lovely for fuelling my writing drive. So, anyway, can't write too much here, I have a NaNo to complete! Until next time!

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